
busy babble beavers will be back

Update I’ve put up a few pictures from the recent MWD40 gig.

Hello babble people far and wide! I know things have been suspiciously quiet on the babble front over recent months, and I feel some sort of explanation is in order. If you want to know whats going on, you can read all about the recent life and times of the babble collective here. If you can’t be arsed to read all about our domestic bliss, suffice to say that before long we will be back to rock your boots babble style.

In the meantime, there’s still plenty of deep house doinz around:

Sat 29th July – Deb and Rob are playing at a Peg Party nr Whitstable, Kent. Saturday night with DJs from Peg, Substance, tVC, babble

Sat 30th July – City Fly host Paul Woolford (Space, Back to Basics, 2020 Vision) @ Weavers

Sat 6th August – MWD40 will be appearing outside @ The Pump & Tap on Braunstone Gate, Leic – after the Leicester Caribbean Carnival. Starting at 6-11:30 with some deep house funk grooves and plenty of disco delights. FREE ENTRY DJ’s notWill, markNotBob, Neil & Mark, Lobster Tafari

18th / 19th / 20th August – Masterpeace festival featuring babble’s Damien (Special Interest) plus Littlemen and Inland Knights.

29th August – EXPO Official Party at the Attik featuring MWD40 dj’s Marknotbob, Lobsta Fari, Kenny Fresh, DubnDrums, Jez and introducing Sensational Filth. An evening of Deep House, Funky Breaks and Electro. £3.00 on the door 9pm till Late.

Behind the Scenes

As Bob Dylan put it, “the times they are a changin”. No longer are the babble crew the sprightly, dewey eyed youngsters that built the collective we know and love today. The founders have, by and large, moved away from Leicester over the years, although many are still involved with babble parties in one way or another. Long Jon for example, along with wife Jayne (or should that be the other way around 😉 is now based down in Bristol, is responsible for decking our halls with seriously funky decor. Andy Spanners is always there when you need someone to help you screw boxes together / solder wires / cook you a wonderful meal. Dave is… the same as he ever was 😉

The second wave of collective members, most of who were participants rather than crew in the early years, are also, shall we say, not quite as single mindedly dedicated to week – in week out house music and revellery as they once were. Me, I got married a couple of months ago to a wonderful woman (who, you may remember, I met on a boat somewhere in Worcester while wearing a boiler suit painted with flowers) amongst the bluebells of cowcroft woods. As if that weren’t bad enough (that’s a joke, my wonderful wife 😉 we have also recently aquired an allotment, and are spending time becoming at one with the earth (or more recently, hacking down head high brambles with a wonderful machine known as a “brushcutter”).

Rob and Deb have bought a house together and have been ensconsed in DiY heaven / hell for the last few months… and they are also engaged to be wed. My brother, the Image Oven (responsible for our lighting and cider consumption) is now based in Aberdeen, and is to be wed too… as I write this he is on his way to join his intended in Borneo for five weeks.

Damien, one of our youngest members still likes to party hard as anyone who saw him rockin the house out in Czech recently will testify, although even he is showing signs of settling down somewhat… no longer does he share a house with five blokes but has moved in with his long time / long suffering girlfriend and babbler Nancy. Nance has qualified as a Physio and is working hard up in Nottingham, although she will never miss an opportunity to get down to some quality deep house sounds. Last but not least comes young Ed… while he hasn’t settled down strictly speaking, we are expecting an anouncement of his betrothal to the sport of cricket any time now. Having said that, you will often find him gracing the decks as Lobster Tafari on MWD40 nights.

So there you go – as you can see, we are all moving onwards and upwards in life. Does this mean an end to babble parties I hear you cry (you probably are crying if you’ve managed to read this far, which must mean you are really desparate for another babble gig 😉 ? Of course not. We have a few ideas up our sleeves; I think I’ve worked out which part of our bass amp we fried back in March and it looks fixable. Although we may slow down, we won’t be stopping until someone pries the controls of the babble PA from my cold dead hands. So there.

If I haven’t mentioned you above, it is because I can only tell the tale of those nearest to me. Babble has always and will always be a sum of its parts, a collective desire to get together and get down, because its fun, and that will never change. Whoever you are, wherever you are, if babble has a small place in your heart and you are prepared to lend a hand when you can, then you are part of babble and we look forward to seeing you soon.

27 replies on “busy babble beavers will be back”

Masterpeace tickets still available & more volunteers needed (if you can’t pay/won’t pay the £70 + camping).

Next Babble party – WHEN???!!? Beyond gagging for it…

See y’all after the carnage,

Luv & Peace


Deb you bugga cant believe you didn’t tell me you were engaged.Hope I get an invite to the wedding would love to be there

If you are hankering after some seriously loud BASS then rememeber the Carribean carnival (Sat the 7th at Vicky Park Leics) will be featuring the ABA SHANTI-I soundsystem. Well worth a trip!

Hello people. We are doing another Mo.FI at Bar Lisi, Sadlergate, Derby on Friday 19th August. Kicks off at 8pm and we have special guest DJs RHYTHMPLATE (DiY, Mantis, Flat & Round) playing alongside Dan and myself.

It costs absolutely nowt and goes on ’til late – it’s also the venue’s second birthday so hopefully even later still!

The underground flag is still flying in Derby (just about!) Thanks.

I am gaggin to come and dance with you all again! Its been soooo long for me. Yes im back from Aus, but living up Norf…desparate to leave nappies nehind for a night of fluffy insanity…please help..congrats to all! Jan xx

Get this old man cheese shite ramble of an excuse off the web site quick, you make me want to cut up my boiler suit and buy slippers like you. lets at least give the impression of being interesting, isn’t that what promotion is supposed to be all about? order in some special brew now and lets put on a party quick.

i rekon u lot are getting too old haha but then seems as though i was only 14 when i got into babble that gives me somwhat younger legs to be dancin with! i think i might have to dye my hair orange again and get the party started!!!! luv n hugs Johnny

keep pushin on, things are gonna get better, keep pushin on, keep on pushin to the top.

sounds for slackers, sounds by slackers, no complaints…

MO.FI – This Friday 9th September @ Bar Lisi, Sadler Gate, Derby.

Guest DJs PEEJ & FRAN GREEN (DiY Discs) joining Dan Crookes and myself with the deep stuff.

Starts 8, ends late.
Get yerselves down!

nother double header for this september…….

Broken Beat Special.
Saturday September 10th.

Magic Number(Mantis, Stereo Deluxe, Ministry of Sound)

Lost my Dog Special.
Saturday 24th September.

Jake Childs (Uni.form, Drop, Om)
Strakes(Lost my Dog, Kahua)
Pete Dafeet(Lost my Dog, Uni.form, Shaboom)
Jonna, Ash Stevenson & Tonks(CityFly, Blend, Lounge Therapy, 87.7 Demon FM)

CityFly @ Weavers, 54 King St. Leicester
£5b411/more after.

After nearly a year of nights CityFly would like to thank all the DJ’s, Peeps and house heads that have contributed to the success of the night inc. Inland Knights, The Littlemen, Phil Weeks, Al Bradly, Heather Doble, Da Sunlounge, Paul Woolford, Andy Kinky, Damo & Tom(Special Interest), Junia Ovadose, Strakes, Pete Dafeet, Magic Number, Jake Childs, Biggs & Howie, Jay-L, Demon FM……Look out for our first b-day coming up in October .

Think i’m alone in remembering the ‘love cabbage’ flower from free party days late 80’s early 90’s. found you on search . . .after many a bubble and squeek recipe ! are you still around, all posts are old and this site possibly forgotten so won’t expect to hear from you . .

I also remember love cabbages and have been putting them out there a bit lately. Never seem to see them anywhere anymore. Although i met this guy at a festie last weekend who used to sell them at parties.Think its time to revive that spirit of unity….

I’d better dig out the sticky backed plastic then! We’ll be setting up for the next gig on Saturday afternoon, anyone who wants to come down and make cabbages is welcome, I’ll bring the scissors and materials…

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