– 14th October @ Bar Lisi Sadlergate, Derby 8pm – Late. Catch babble djs debs, mono and rob forreal playing alongside Da Sunlounge, Dan Crookes and Marcus. Free admission, so get your house ass down there if you are in the area.
Advance warning… a babble birthday bash is being cooked up for November time soon, we’re looking for a venue so let us know if you’ve got any good ideas!
31 replies on “ in derby”
Lovin’ it…. or as they say down in Leicester, ‘qualitehh’. 🙂
ooo ya bewteh!
Hurray! How about late Nov so that I can come too?
Any space for a groupie? I may parachute in 1-way…
Should be room for one more meh duck, if you need a lift Dick, I’ve emailed you…
£5 B4 11/£7 AFTER.
happy b-day to us !!
CityFly Dates:
Sat Oct 22nd – U-Muve pres.CF@Moods, Derby.
1st B-Day Sat Oct 29th Rhythm Plate+Special Interest.
Sat Oct 22nd – U-Muve pres.CF@Niche, Leic.
Sat 19th Nov – BWPT/Doji SS @ The Attic, Leic.
Sat 26th Nov – DJ Alena.
Sat 10th Dec – Da Sunlounge.
Lounge Therapy@Stax every Sun Night 7pm-11pm, 82 Narbourgh Rd, Leic.
Just wanted to say thanks to Rob and Mono for playing and travelling up to sunny Derby – it was a klouter and musically, one of the best nights so far. Not sure how many more we’ll be doing there after issues with the management over sound but we’ll keep y’all posted.
Debs, get well soon our kid, next time I’m out I want to see you stompin’ around in your normal militant manner! 🙂
Thanks to all the babble heads that came down to support our 1st b-day with Damo & Tom….hopfully see afew along this month??
CityFly @ Weavers(Nov/Dec).
Saturday 26th November.
DJ ALENA(Greenhouse, Igloo, Chicago USA)
Saturday 10th December – Bambino Recordings Launch Party.
DA SUNLOUNGE(Myna, Bambino)
Plus Residents: Jonna, Stevenson, Tonks(CityFly, Lounge Therapy)
10pm – 2.30am.
Entry – £5 b4 11/£7 after/£5 NUS all night.
Info/Guestlist – 07743508074.
CityFly @ Weavers 54 Kings St. Leicester.
CityFly Dates:
Sat 19th Nov – BWPT/Doji SS @ The Attic, Leic.
Sat 26th Nov – DJ Alena.
Sat 10th Dec – Bambino Recordings Launch – Da Sunlounge.
Lounge Therapy@Stax every Sun Night 7pm-11pm, 82 Narbourgh Rd, Leic.
hmm,november is it?
So is there going to be a Birday bash? For that is the question. I guess if there was someone would have mentioned it..
So is there going to be a Birthday bash? For that is the question. I guess if there was someone would have mentioned it..
Sorry folks – we’ve had it already i’m afraid!
At the Dog and trumpet,
in Fleckney. Flippin’ marvellous it was too!
Anyone up for it again next year ?
Watch this space……………………………
Heh. No, its not happened yet. Might be a christmas / new year party at this rate. The club we were hoping to use has fallen through so I’m still looking for a venue at the moment…
is there a babble on fri 2nd Dec or is it just a missed placed rumour
sorry, misplaced!
smokescreen at the egde nottingham 2nd dec friday
featuring damien and tom (special interest mobiletrax babble smokescreen) plus fran and rob smokescreen
I forsee a Babble gig on the 9th December. Watch the stars for more details…..
Destiny sees a intimate venue on Welford road………..
Not this time I’m afraid.
The venue we were hoping to use has "staffing issues" for the date we wanted.
So it ain’t happening 🙁
Mystic Meg my arse – get a new crystal ball!
another date bits the dust
this friday were down at the late bar ford st derby with from wireless scottish jon,kaotic,judd and marcus from mo fi
free entry free food(apparently)8pm til late
new years eve free party with permission 07899 127 250
Greetings all.
Just to let you know we are doing one more this year at Bar Lisi in Derby and it takes place on the 23rd with Brooks, Da Sunlounge and Kaotic on the ‘wheels’.
Please take five to visit our website.
love, Marcus
new years eve @sas in peterborough featuring
sas regulars plus DAMIEN AND TOM SPECIAL INTEREST smokescreen -babble
its going to be a fantastic start to the new year see you there
is that a club night?
MWD40 at the westcoats NYE. see their website.
P.S. Click here for mwd40 web site and here for directions to the world famous Westcotes pub. No entry after 10.30…..
Hi there, been updating the website and there are new mixes from the luvvly babble peepz and Da Sunlounge…
Please feel free to give them a listen!
here is a date for your diary…14th april 2006 (thats Good Friday!!!) a Phonek gig at the attik!! in one room we have Debs and Rob and hopefully others..Mono? ? ? and in the other room we have Phonek playing electrial and accoustical niceness and also jon cank doing there thing as well as James kelly doing what he does best with 4 decks some giutars and congas and whatever else comes his way. should be a lovely night and hope you can all come!!! see the attick as it has never been seen before!
MWD40 & Grooves Of The World @ The Odyssey in Leicester. 11 till 4 Saturday 28th Jan. FREE ENTRY – CHEAP DRINKS. Pre party @ nine bar 8-11. Visit mwd40 for details.