Fat sounds, friendly folk, fuckin’ ace night! Thanks babblers one and all for making last Sat one of the best babble nights for a long time. Lets do it again soon…
Stay in touch for news of the next night:
Public service announcement – Miss S. McLaughlin left her handbag, phone, cashcard and (naughty girl) a large bottle of vodka at the club. Call Keo’s on 0116 2622929 to get it back (although I think the manager may be away on holiday for a couple of weeks now – hopefully someone will be there to give it to you if you’ve not got it already).
2 replies on “Well that Really Was A Lot of Fun!”
Howdy peeps!
Great to see everyone on Sat. Was rocking!
Anyway, heres a new mix if ya ears need some more..
Hope you like
Will (notWill)
Nice mix Will, love the first track (Tovar) – one of my current deep faves.