
babble back at keos 26th Jan 2008

bass hornHappy New Year to you all! We’re back at Keo’s bar above the Music Cafe on Braunstone Gate on Saturday the 26th January 2008. Time to start dancing off all those chocolates! 10pm – 4am, £3 before 11pm, £5 after.

We’ll be celebrating life in general but also the birthdays of good friends Chris, Dave, Gail, Becs and Jackie, so get the date in your diary – don’t miss out!

babble djs damien, rob, mono and debs will be providing the deep house grooves, along with special guest Not Will from MWD40. We’ll have a second room hosted by Long Jon, Lobstafari and Dave.

Fancy dress is encouraged on an animal theme, but is optional!

Also we have some work still to do but are hoping to be using some new bass bins which should double our trouser flapping output – another reason to come down for some lovely house vibrations.

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