
Alpha Dogs

Friday 27th February @ Havana Yeoman St. Leicester (map) 10pm – 3am. We’ll be at Havana on the last friday of every month for the forseable future, after the great turnout we had last time – thanks for coming down! February sees babble playing host to the Alpha Dogs (DiY recordings) – should be a wicked night again.

If anyone lost a duffle coat at the last night, or a or a hoodie at my house afterwards, let us know!

Alpha Dogs BiogDography: Jon ran a recording studio in Essex in 1987 and there he recorded with various DJs and producers. After catching the house music bug he played live at regular club nights and acid house parties around the M25, spending many a night banged up in a cell courtesy of our illustrious boyz in blue.

Meanwhile, up north in Manchester, Tim was finding his own way into the house music scene through Nude Night at the Hacienda, and soon he was DJing and producing music himself. He released his debut EP ‘Virtual Energy’ through Rough Trade and this spawned collaborations with Emotion’s Promised EP and 3 ‘RainbowÊ Zone’ EPs.

Jon decided to move back to his hometown of Manchester, signing to MCR records under the project name Tonal Fusion, releasingÊ tracks throughout Europe and the U.S. Tim was also signed to MCR and one day, down at HQ, Tim recognised Jon from primary school 15 years before.

Both continued releasing tracks and working on various projects, becoming regulars on the 808 State radio show on the now legendary Sunset 102 radio station. They also played live sets at Manchester clubs including Paradise Factory and the Hacienda.

They started frequenting the free party scene where they met DiY and Smokescreen.Ê They then hooked up with DiY in Ibiza and played live sets at Amnesia, Cafe del Mar and other venues.

Disillusioned with the ever-increasing violence in Manchester’s club scene they decided to relocate to Nottingham where a blossoming house scene was evolving. They have put on nights at Deluxe and the Marcus Garvey Centre amongst other venues and can be found DJ’ing at various bars & clubs such as The Loft, The Bomb and at various free parties.

Until recently, Jon & Tim had put making music on the back burner. Now they have noticed a resurgence in the house music scene and have decided to work together again as the Alpha Dogs and put out their own tracks.

There are releases due out on DiYÊ Discs and Drop Music in 2004.

One reply on “Alpha Dogs”

Hi,Thanks for another great night,
a fine way to spend with friends on their twenty ninth wedding annaversary.Totaly enjoyed by all,long may your nights at Havana continue. Luv steve H

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