Friday 30th January @ Havana Yeoman St. Leicester (map) 10pm – 3am. babble blasts into 2004 with our second date at Havana. This new venue seems to have gone down well with you lot, judging by the folk I babbled to during / after our first gig there last month, so we’re gonna do it all over again. If we get as good a turn out as last time it will become a once a month fixture, so get down and get groovin! Tunes will be spun for your aural pleasure by Lee Topham (Underground Rebellion) and our very own Rob & Debs. We’ll be adding extra sound again to supply the appropriate quantity of bass-a-liciousness and Image Oven has promised to shine bright lights in your eyes for no extra fee.
You may also be interested to know that Debs will be playing with good friend Jane Fitz (Peg) at Dizzy Funk! Friday 23rd January 2004, along with host Sean + Andy & Iain (SAS). Peterborough also plays host to DiY’s Digs and Woosh on 17th Jan, courtesy of SAS @ The Verve.
Lastly a few words of thanks… big love to everyone who turned out last time, and thanks also to Mr Webster who did us proud. Kisses to MWD40 who hosted a fantastic New Years bash, I had a ball playing for you, as always, thanks for having me!