
babble 24th birthday party featuring Nigel Deane (Disco Sucks) – 18th November at Sumo

flyerbabble is back! Come and join us for a night of deep house grooves courtesy of babble dj’s Damien, Ferg and Mono plus very special guest Nigel Deane.

Nigel is one of the team behind the amazing Disco Sucks nights. While his disco sets are legendary it should come as no surprise that he’s also a connoisseur of the finest house music, as a key member of the team behind Stroud’s pioneering Mumbo Jumbo parties, playing alongside many of the DiY dj’s over the years. He’s also part owner of the heavy duty Black Box soundsystem so we know he’ll be right at home driving the babble rig!

Full soundsystem, lights and super friendly fluffy attitudes will be the order of the day.

Door requirements: £5, a smile and bag full of outrageous shapes to throw on the dancefloor!

Doors open at 10pm.

Check out the event on facebook and join our facebook group

One reply on “babble 24th birthday party featuring Nigel Deane (Disco Sucks) – 18th November at Sumo”

Hi Babblers! DJ Lobstafari will be appearing on BBC Radio 6music tomorrow morning! 10.30am on the “Desert Island Disco” feature with Tom Ravenscroft. The feature will be a celebration of Babble Collective Soundsystem, especially the back room crew. There will be chat and choons, as well as a bit of publicity for next weekend’s big birthday bash!

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