
babble 23rd birthday party – 12th November at Sumo

flyer Birthday time again! Sadly we’re bidding farewell to long standing babble crew members and djs Rob Forreal and Debs who are emigrating to Australia early next year. Deb and Rob have worked hard over many years to make babble parties rock so come and wish them well for the next chapter of their adventure. It might be your last chance to hear them light up the dancefloor in the UK for quite a while, so don’t miss out!

Special guests Carl Kaotic and Sean B (Wireless Soundsystem) join babble djs Damien Bailey, Debs, Rob Forreal and Mono behind the decks.

Full babble sound system will be operational and waiting to immerse you in delicious grooving house basslines.

12th November 10pm – £5 on the door. Sumo, Braunstone Gate Leicester.

Check out the event on facebook and join our facebook group

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