
Happy Birthday to Us

cosy16th November @ Junction 21, Midland Street, Leicester It’s the babble collective’s 9th birthday party in November 2002. We are joining forces with DIY whose birthday it is too. I won’t tell you anymore about it as debs has written a little ditty with all the details.

babble recommended entertainment:-
safe and sound get a sqwert of mwd40 just to get the lester party people moving that lil bit more @ the attik with a lot extra sound system moving in for the night with a later licence till 4

11th October @ the Attik for more info and directions fone :07941589199 or chek out


One day I’ll tell you something nice, but for now let me tell you something horrible. Our friends at DIY have had to cancel Groove Armada next Thursday (7th March) in Nottingham.

I got an email this morning asking me to put a comment on the website. Don’t know if it’s been cancelled altogether, if it’s going to be rescheduled or anything. So don’t try to find out anymore information from me as I don’t know. I will however try and find out more and post it here when I get it.


Don’t get excited

Sadly we can’t do a boat party for ages. The place in Worcester we used to use went bankrupt, and it now has new owners. They have been asked by the police and council not to have “dance orientated parties” on their boats. As they are trying to keep in the authorities good books, they have said that they will do this for the first year (yawn). Next year however we should be able to use their boats for a party.

This is not such a sad post. Oh no! I have just uploaded the babble flyer archive. See if you can repatch you brain cells back together.

Also you can now subscribe to the babble mailing list if you fancy knowing what’s going on in our world.

See you on the 15th March for the Free Party