Heads up babble folks! We’ll be rocking the Old Mill on the 15th August with the full soundsystem. We’ve been booked by a very nice man called Will whose having a birthday party there. £3 on the door all friendly folk welcome.
babble will be hosting the main room downstairs with sets from Rob, Deb, Mono and Damien.
Upstairs Will says there will be: “a mix of Rock and Metal from the 90’s downwards into the 70’s, with a good smelly chuck of cheesy tunes thrown in for good measure. Plus a mystery DJ set later in the night, just to keep us on our toes… if it all goes to plan”.
The Old Mill can be reached on foot via the towpath from King Richards Road. Head north, take the footbridge over the weir, and the Old Mill is in a courtyard on your left just before the lock.
From the A50 / Frog Island: Find the (now closed) Northbridge Tavern on Frog Island (by the canal), follow the road opposite the pub by the canal – past the lock and into North Mills, listen out for the music – if you end up on the foot bridge over the weir you’ve gone too far.
The address is:
The Old Mill, Frog Island
North Mills
Leicester LE3 5DL
Doors open at 8pm, finishing at 2am.
One reply on “babble @ the Old Mill – 15th August”
MWD40 will be returning to our favorite Narborough Road hidey hole – ex Nile bar, now appropriately re-named De Ja Vu (re-fitted & inc upstairs bar).
Date is Saturday 12th September. The occasion (if we need one) is Big Dave’s birthday.
Early hours we’ll be introducing ‘Carousel’ for rock, pop and tunes of the unexpected.
Later we’ll have notWill back this time along with KN Ben & Mark not Bob for the housey doings
Price: Free at the point of use.
Time 6pm – TBC (1 or 2ish we think)
Location: De Ja Vu
Street: Narborough Road (between 9 bar abd TJ’s)
Please come along and get down to the grooves
Much love