Our next night is at Keo’s bar (above the Music Cafe, just off Braunstone Gate map). 10pm – 4am. £3 before 11pm, £5 after.
We’ve got two rooms to play with, and a full line up of dj’s for both! One room will be dedicated to house music, with dj sets from damien, deb, rob and mono. The second room will feature a wider range of sounds provided by lobstafari, jamie (jammy g), davo and I’m chuffed to say we’ll also have a set from one of babble’s founders, long jon.
Jon and Jayne will also be helping us decorate the place with their fantastic backdrop collection so the place should look spanking.
Its been a few months since the last outing so get yourselves down, get your dancing pants on and lets have some fun!
9 replies on “babble @ keo’s bar 23rd June”
It was all a ploy to enable me to lobby lobstafari for a comedy set. I know he reads these things. If he plays me a comedy set I shall find him a vegetarian sex turky by next Christmas.
Thought we were trying to keep all the smut off this site? Phnaar Phnaar etc.
🙁 SHOCK HORROR NEWS – Glastonbury clash with Babble. Michael Eavis is very disappointed he wont be able to make it….. along with a few mwd40 members 🙁
Comedy set?????? I shall be celebrating the joy of music as per usual!!! – Keep yer sex turkeys on ice as you may be needing them later….
Yeah, you can keep your Sex Turky on Ice, I’m waiting for Robot Wars to come back.
I think I’ve got a copy of The Joy of Music somewhere – If I remember correctly it’s an instructional manual with positions illustrated by a chap with a beard his lady friend. You should see the illustration of the funky chicken – fair brings tears to my eyes.
I understand that there was some controversy regarding “Doing the Monkey” as well….
Only if the monkey has been very naughty 😉
“Cheeky” is fine….but if any monkey steps over the line into “naughty” it deserves everything it gets, I say!!!