
Get Mediaeval with the Inland Knights

Friday 28th May @ Havana Yeoman St. Leicester (map) 10pm – 3am. This month we’re featuring some Deep House Joustin with the Inland Knights. We’re really looking forward to having the Drop music boys back at babble, as its been a couple of years since they last kept the dancefloor full for us – always a treat! Our very own Damien and Debs will be serving fat slabs of chunky house on the side. This will be our last club night until the autumn, but keep an eye on the website or sign up for free party news 😉

Thanks to everyone who came to the MWD40 gig, and big love to Dave and Kelly for hosting far too many post babble revellers!

Update: free party action – call the SaS number for details 😉

9 replies on “Get Mediaeval with the Inland Knights”

Big thanks on behalf of mwd40 for a wicked night out. Playing for babble was truly a special treat for us.
Thanks to everyone who came back to our house too. Got a bit worried when 60 people came back with us, but everyone must have been on best behaviour. Mark puked in the plant pot, and the kettle got melted (not beyond repair) but that was it. You’re all welcome back anytime (but maybe not all at once).

Thanks, love and hugs,


Its time yet again to try to remember not to forget the next Dubsomanic shindig shenanigans…
Dick Dutch, Mad Arawak and Itel Roots will be laying down some tumping riddims, with Vitamin M (Vibronics,Scoops) getting melodical
and Urban Vox (U.D.O.) getting lyrical on Friday the 14th May,10pm -2am at The Charlotte,Oxford Street, Leicester.
Upstairs groove booth malarky is supplied by some Dans and Barry Convex….
Dont miss!!!!! conscious vibes inna party stylee with a people friendly two pound door!!!
Come and be happy to be alive with us… see you there…
peace and love…
Dick Dutch and the crew xxx

to Dave and Kelly ,
I am one of the absolut strangers who ended up in your living room…. I still havent quite worked out how or why… (altho I do remember at some point being in a garage having a look at a yellow bmw motorbike ?????)
Anyway, deeply touched to see such kindness displayed, thank you very much !


I can’t come to the bank holiday bonanza (boo hoo) because I work for the only company in the country that repeatedly refuses to acknowledge bank holidays exist. bastards.
anyway hope to see you all soon at a free party…can we bring a sound system down fae Scotland? raggagabbashabbaranks stylee

P.S happy birthday Owen…i missed it cause I’m crap but I thought about you on the day and sent hippy happy lovin telepathically

Cant be there either due to turtle commitments but will be arriving at some point in the morning with much cheap gin. dont come round our house though, we’ll find you if we want you. may be up for some bank holiday party action, whats the news?

cheers Pep, see you soon, we’re moving on up tae scotland!

BLIMEY SOMEONE SAY GIN COUNT ME IN WAT, if your going to scotland watch out for the natties they’ll be away wi ya gin b4 you knows it

bustin loose sat 19th june
damien (babble)
tom (smokescreen)
theo tag
@atlantis 1 wellington st leicester

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