
10th Birthday Boat Party

boat flyer22nd November 2003 Boat Party on the Thames

Update… Map: for those of you not coming on the coach, here’s a map – boat leaves at 9pm sharp. A couple of other things I should bring to the attention of all who sail on the good ship Miyuki Maru:

  1. the coach company don’t want anyone boozin’ on the bus, so no cans or glass bottles please – be discrete 😉
  2. the boat people are really strict about not allowing anyone to bring alcohol onto the boat – if they catch you they may not let you on, or worse – their terms state: “Any contravention of this policy will result in the function being terminated immediately at the nearest pier without refund”
  3. anyone found enjoying themselves too much will be made to walk the plank

Ok, so I made up number 3. Just remember to be respectful to the captain and his crew and if you must be naughty, don’t get caught!

P.S. No more tickets left – sorry if you missed out, we’ll be doing another night soon – watch this space, or sign up for the mailing list.

Original posting: ohmygoodness I’ve been wanting to be able to announce this for weeks… after many hitches glitches and false starts we have finally found a boat we can celebrate babble’s 10th birthday on. We’re into double figures now and a troublesome adolescence is only just around the corner, so come celebrate with us while we’re still flushed with the excitement of youth!

The babble boat parties are the stuff of legend – if you’ve never been on one before, don’t miss out! I met my girlfriend on one 5 years ago… I can’t guarantee you’ll find one as nice as mine, but love will be abundant, as will the chunkiest, funkiest house music, supplied by damo, debs, mono and rob… and, if you’re really good, we’ll ask uncle bov to spin some tunes too.

The boat will be sailing from Swan Pier, near London Bridge on the Thames, at 9pm sharp on Saturday 22nd November, returning at 2am. How am I going to get there I hear you cry? Why on the beautiful babble bus I reply! There are only 140 places available at an all inclusive, bargainous price of £20 (thats just 20 quid for a return bus leicester – london and admission to the boat), so get ’em quick while you can, they’re sure to go very quickly. Bus leaves Leicester from outside The Showrooms bar, Charles Street at 6pm sharp. We also have a limited number of tickets (60) available for those who don’t need transport at £15 sold out.

Tickets are available now over the web with a credit card… or from one of the babble members… they will be available from Blink Clubwear, Odeon Arcade (off Market Place) from 21.10.2003, either in person or over the phone: 0116 2625820.

You can buy your tickets over the web thanks to the wonders of PayPal. Unfortunately they charge us for each transaction, so we’ve had to add a booking fee (£1.50) on top of the ticket price.

Ticket including coach (£20 + £1.50 bkg fee = £21.50 per ticket): sold out

Ticket not including coach (£15 + £1 bkg fee = £16 per ticket): sold out

11 replies on “10th Birthday Boat Party”

Has it really been 5 years, Colin & Claire? Ahhhh! Don’t you just love anniversaries. I probably met the woman of my dreams at or about the same time, but I didn’t realize it then & now she’s disappeared! Doh.

Can hardly wait, especially for the Coach of Corruption return trip; planning the fancy dress this time – where’s my boots?

To the last AND next 10 years, love you all…

Hi, we run a soundsystem called Timber down here in London. We’re all Smokescreen regulars and have had Laurence, Andy and Gav playing down with us before. Great to hear that you lot are doing a boat party in London. We have been doing them for a while and can let you know about good boats etc for the future. On the 29th Novmber we’re actually doing one too. It’s on the Golden Jubilee a bit further along the embankment. If anyone misses out the week before or fancies going on another deep, chugging house cruise then give us a call on 07779 781166. Tickets are £15 7.30pm-2am. Cheers and good lunk with the party.
The Timber Crew.

So are you going to send me a ticket colin? phone if you need my address
by the looks of this website no-one posts on it and maybe no-one even looks at it so maybe I should just phone you…bunch of midlander technophobe hicks honestly……I would have thought we could have had a bit more excitement about the boat party
So I’ll start the hype….I coming, all the way from bonny Scotland and Louise is travelling up from Cornwall and we will be running an organic wicker fiddling workshop on the top deck

watch out for the mucky touch, its sweeping Glasgow and probably heading your way pretty soon
see you there if someone sends me my ticket

Who are you calling a hick you iron bru swillin’ deep fried pizza eatin’ weegie!? Just so as you know, any wicker waving and you will be first down the plank. Arrrr jim lad. Gis a ring tho, you’re never bloody in and I don’t have your address to send your ticket to – or will it get there if I send it to ‘The Mucky One, Haggis Land’?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I wanna come……not only am I still stuck dahn undah, but now I’m up the frigging duff too!!
(New being due for arrival on planet earth end of march 2004)
Peppy my love and Lou Lou belle…..please get in touch my beauties….I miss you… HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABBLE….have fun you minxsters…..jan xxxxx

Congratulations Jan!! I hope you will bring the new arrival to babble asap. We need to start ’em young you know.. its the best way to ensure a fanatical devotion to house music from the outset. I only have the best interests of your child at heart 😉

you certainly will…if its anything to do with the costume you had on on sat!

Thank you Colin me lover! anyway to cheer me up for missing what looks to be an amazingly fabtastic night of mayhem and to make up for the loss of Peppy’s wicca fiddling workshops on the top deck, I have found…."Apalachian clog dancing" at a festival to cheer me up…and I’m not joking…look at its on new years day! Anyone fancy coming?? you’ll be most welcome…better hope them clogs are organic…xxxxxxx

Thank you ververmuch; a whole decade & still undecayed!
(Er, I think that’s a compliment of sorts)
May the good ship Babble continue to steer her wobbly course ever disgracefully towards virgin house horizons!!!
Right; reading that back I realise I should be in bed. Ages ago.
Thanks United,

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