
forthcoming babble dates

babble at J21 (midland street) May 24th a blinding linup for our last club night before the summer – dave and andy brooks (mantis recordings), fred lopez (floatation, birmingham), plus babble dj’s bov, damien and dave. . In the back room you’ll find some seriously funky delights being served up by Monkey Magic (Deep Water Recordings, Zenmasters, Club 333), Long Jon, D-Ali vs the Llamas and a healthy slice of Disco from our very own Debs :: For the footloose amongst you… babble goes to Czech… babble dj mono will be playing out there at a free party in Beroun (near Prague) on the 30th of April, along with Rob and Steve (Smokescreen) and djs from our hosts, Fuzzy Logic. (see site info and map [although note the detailed map doesn’t show the motorway that has since been built])… also on 2nd May you can catch Rob, Steve, Mono, Kev and Lillou at Quandrant’s Friday Feeling night at Amiveo Music Bar, Karlovo Namesti 24, Prague 1. Anyone interested in coming out to Czech should can contact us at, we may be able to help with accomodation at the party site (there are some chalet / hut type thingies at the party site – I kid you not).

Other dates for your diary

  • bov and damien Sat 13.04.02 – Blueprint, Alfreton Road, Nottingham
  • bov and damien Sat 27.04.02 – Through the Looking Glass (also featuring Simon DK (DiY) and Paul Murray) – Blueprint, Alfreton Road

9 replies on “forthcoming babble dates”

sorry I;m missing out on this one (first one ive missed since the white room)good luck with the lights and have a blinder. luv and miss u all. turtle conservation calls, luv n hugs O (and P)

ps send us sum tapes of it!

so how was it? or is it still going? couldent sleep fri night -tempted to get ferry and plane back to catch sum tunes. had to get up and drive b4 youd finished dancin. missing the erb and lobstafarianmorninaftadub. if any 1 needs a serious chil out I recomend here, zafirias, matala, crete. chilled beats all night no closing time and friendly barmen. less proper mingin than leic tho. send us sum fliers ( I no u didnt give em all out) to decorate my tent. first turtle nest xpected soon. luv ya. o.

Howdy Babblerabble!!!
Brilliant night (if not perhaps for reasons anticipated!)Loooooove the new format – back room was ace, slight bummer that I didn’t really get to stay that long but guess that’s another story eh!?
Big love; see y’all soonish, top one, nice one, blahblahblah!

Eh up Babblers,
Did anyone find my brain on or near the dance floor on Friday night? It appears to have gone missing along with my favourite silver eyelashes.
Bloody great night. May the (twenty) fourth be with you!
Big Northern Love, Neen xxx
PS Hello to O and P and turtles.

Everyone: Thanks to all you lovely people for making last friday a night to remember! Neen: I’ll look in the lost property box for your brain, we still have several unclaimed mental faculties, one of them may be yours. KrunchyPaul: so why did you slip of early then eh? Nudge nudge, wink wink 😉 Monsieur Lopez: thanks for playing, already looking forward to a return match later in the year… your tunes were delicious. Brothers Brooks: it was a pleasure to have you over – where did Andy sneak off to at the end of the night? Nikki: thanks for providing the venue for the mashed up masses to disintegrate further after the party… O: you were missed, luv u bruv. I tried to record it all but the minidisc succumbed to excessive vibration in the house so I think I have a total of about 45 minutes (with bonus skipping effects) – I’ll send it out to Crete anyway along with flyers as requested… hopefully pictures of Ed’s magnificent creation will appear at some point… Backroom Guests – Monkey, Al and Jon: your talents made for one of the best nights in the back room for years, bless you all.

Weather and unforseen circumstances permitting, see you all at the Pump and Tap on Monday 3rd June for a bit of God Save House Music and the Queen?

Thanx to all Babble crew for the J21 knees-up – it was ‘specially nice to see Little Matt again.I had it large to Debs dico set in the back-room-Yowzah,Yowzah,Yowzah!!!
Looking forward to the Junction 21 free-party on sat & the Babble/Roadblock session @ the Pump & Tap on Monday-this promises to be a mad ‘un – see you there kidz- luv Ratty

Sorry I missed it toooooo…..but I was thinking of you, well dreaming of you as I was asleep on ‘Strahlia time…its ace here, I saw humpback whales last Sunday…miss you all though so drop me a mail….extra special lovely love to Ed, Lou, O, Scotteh and Peppy. Love you all, Miss you more…Jan..p.,s. Back late September for a holiday!!!

soundz like a goodun’ on the 24th wanna no more about lobstas creation, pissed on my 1st day off on free raki @ the bar. creative influx overload, luv you parti people, can imagine the mess, good luck with the p+t.; fuck u queenie and all ure hangin on state sponging tax wringin nonces. party on 4ever. heard theres a smokies th9is weeekend. dont b slack go u fuckers u dont know how much u might miss it when u cant ave it. bang on u crazy diamonds. keep on keepin on luv o +p

ey up..

Anyone out there have any DiY mix tapes..?? recent or old..??


thanks A

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