
CANCELLED: 22 Feb 2002 @ Soho

babble regret to announce we’ve decided to pull our planned dates at Soho until further notice. Thanks to all who came to the last one – I think its fair to say that while the majority of folk had a top night as usual, a sizeable minority did not, due to a complete lack of respect (at best) and downright abuse of rights (at worst) from the security (=thugs). We did our best to work out the problems with the club owner, but at the end of the day members of babble and trancemission all agreed that if we can’t put on a night that is safe and fun for all then its just not worth doing. Look out for a free party in the near future – we’re currently actively looking for a venue (please get in touch if you can help); a boat party is a strong possibility too. Anyway, nuff said, peace, love and chunky house music forever, respect to you all – normal service will resume asap.

11 replies on “CANCELLED: 22 Feb 2002 @ Soho”

this is bad news, considering we’re in there next week with Hanky Panky soundsystem! hopefully Mr Rob is still up for coming to play with us..???
but fair play to you babble – and i think if we experience any troubles of this kind, we’ll follow suit!

ANY CHANCE of an email detailing the accounts (very much apprecated)

Deep sorrow. Spoke to a victim over the weekend (punched in face & kidneys, cash & mobile stolen) – pity that a couple of twats can undermine everyone’s hard work. A bit wet for a boat trip right now…Luv & Peace, Dick

i did c 2 bouncers what looked to be bullying some one in the stair way but was not sure why the fuk they uses these tossers iv had problems in clubs with bouncers b 4 and have taken 1 to court and wone my case but the tosser still works doors even thou he has no licence ! ? why does the management sort the staff out ?

ps .. hope r night goes trouble free on this friday ! ??!? 🙁

are people aware that the reason this individual was ‘escorted’ from the club was due to his ill behaviour – touching girls up and being a total arse – now if he’d touched my girlfriend up i would trown the wanker down the stairs – however, what ‘supposedly’ happened was that whilst the security staff were escorting said individual down the stairs, he decided to ‘have-a-go’ at the staff and fell down the stairs (i nearly went a couple of times on that slippy conrete and i was totally straight!)

once outside the club the ‘arsehole’ collapsed and an ambulance was called.

now – we’ve heard both sides to this… and i know if i was putting on a night and had fukwits behaving like this tosser then i’d expect the security staff to do their job!

funny that the police haven’t been notified of this incident by said punter ???

Just to let you know that this one incident is not the reason we pulled out. We pulled out because of the total lack of respect the security have for our punters, not just from the last night, but from all the nights we have put on at SOHO.

this wasn;t the only incident on that night; and if the person who calls themselves the real deal , would like to contact me ,I am more than happy to fill him in on all the gory details of the other incidents, including all the previous numerous incidents over the last few months. debs.

just like to say I’m really dissapointed you’ve had to cancel the night over attitude problems by the "security" (if they can call themselves that!!) And I don’t think that they were by any means "doing their job"!!! anyway – let’s look forward to the next night, where hopefully the true Babble fluffiness will be in full swing, and we can all enjoy the usual top night that we normally do! x

I’m sorry you guys have been having trouble, theres always wanky security every where but theres only so much you put up with,the nights at soho where excellant thank-you and had amuch better atmosphere than LP. I hope you guys get sorted with a better venue soon.

wot ever happened to the babble website – all the other stuff? now its just this message board; why not put some photos up and stuff about the system and shit? …..please?

peace and love to you all, from deepest heartness of the Pan.
It’s a bit chilly isn’t it?
Sorry to hear the nights went nasty at Soho. such is life there will be something better round the corner I’m sure.
Stay true to yourselves and keep to the beat!

just a quick word to say big respect to bov who is in san fransisco writing music with dj rasoul ask we speak hoos the man peace

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